Dimension2: Contemporary German-Language Literature

Volume 9, Number 1/2


Forward!——Editorial                                                                                        Ingo R. Stoehr / 1

F O C U S:
Voices of Cultural Diversity



Conversatons of German Immigrants                           Mohammed Aref, Jefferson S. Chase,
                                                                                     Zoran Drvenkar, Richard Duraj, Catalin
                                                                                     Dorian Florescu, Radek Knapp, Nicol 
                                                                                     Ljubic, Selim Özdogan, Tzveta Sofronieva,
                                                                                     Natascha Wodin
                                                                                          translated by Dieter Waeltermann / 3

Dancing Words and Dancing in Diaspora                                                         Ahant Kumar
                                                            translated by Sukanya Kulkarni and Tom Cheesman / 16


Kronstädter Konzert                                                                                         Matthias Buth
Concert in Kronstadt                                                           translated by Louise E. Stoehr / 22

In alten Tagebüchern lesend                                                                        Joachm Sartorius
Reading in Old Diaries                                             translated by Christopher Middleton / 48

Via San Giovanni                                                                                             Klaus Hensel
Via San Giovanni                                                                translated by Dagmar Jaeger / 52


Mein deutsches Dschungelbuch                                                               Wladimir Kaminer
My German Jungle Book                                                  translated by Michael L. Dailey / 60

Kein Wunder                                                                                                  Dimitré Dinev
No Miracle                                                                         translated by Louise E. Stoehr / 76

Kein Mensch ist illegal                                                                                      Imran Ayata
No One is Illegal                                                                  translated by Harald Becker / 80

Warum das Kind in der Polenta kocht                                                        Aglaja Veteranyi
Why the Child is Boiling in the Polenta                               translated by Ingrid Lansford / 100

Limbo (I)                                                                                                           Ilma Rakusa
Limbo (I)                                                                                 translated by Karen Leeder / 110

loses kalendar blatt 2                                                                                  José F. A. Oliver
loose calendar leaf 2                                                              translated by Ingo R. Stoehr / 118


Art                                                                                           IngridMwangiRobertHutter / 122


Ohnehin                                                                                                   Doron Rabinovici
Anyway                                                                          translated by Geoffrey C. Howes / 132

Ein Kapitel aus meinem Leben                                                            Barbara Honigmann
A Chapter from my Life                                                         translated by Patricia Aiken / 154

Zwei Geschichten                                                                                      Susanna Piontek
Two Stories                                                          translated by the author and Guy Stern / 172

Fühlfelder                                                                                                   Elazar Benyoëtz
Feelfields                                                                              translated by Ingo R. Stoehr / 186


Der Taumel                                                                                             Lubuše Moníková
Vertigo                                                                                  translated by Rebecca Penn / 194

Wenn der Kater kommt                                                                                  Maxim Biller
When the Tomcat Comes                                            translated by Holly M Breckenridge
                                                                                                   and Dieter Waeltermann
/ 218

Leyla                                                                                                       Feridun Zaimoglu
Leyla                                                                                    translated by Margot Dembo / 242


Authors, Translators & Acknowledgments                                                                        / 254


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For further comment or inquiries, contact IngoStoehr@aol.com
Web Author / Web Master for The Second Dimension Press, Louise Stoehr